Clean cosmetics? What is that again?
“Clean” sounds quite trustworthy, doesn't it?
But what does the term “clean beauty” mean?
First of all, there are no general or legal regulations as to what
one has to understand exactly by "clean".
It is clear, however, that this term does not stand for cleanliness or compatibility
- Rather, it stands for the fact that certain ingredients are not used
become. Whether the respective ingredients are really questionable should be
play no role in this.
To understand what sparked this new wave of beauty, however, is
it is interesting to know that this term-of course, how could it
be different, comes from the land of opportunity. Because
this was the attempt of the American beauty industry, European
Meet standards.
The standards required for the approval of ingredients and cosmetics
are ten times as high in the EU or in Germany as
in the USA.
If you want to bring a cosmetic product to the market in Germany,
must meet certain guidelines that are stricter compared to America
than are strict.
The "promises" of the ingredients must be in a large number
be evidenced by tests. The main thing here is the security of the
Consumers in the foreground, which is especially true in cosmetics
important is.
In the case of “clean” products, it is therefore generally a question of the
respective products on, for example, silicones, parabens, sulfates and mineral oils
But let's be honest, you know what's behind these individual terms
really stands? No? Not bad, we bring light into the darkness.
In the 2nd part you will learn why so many cosmetic companies are too
these ingredients take effect and why some of these substances really do
dangerous for us, especially for our skin.