Fit und Frisch: Warum dein Po nach dem Sport Pflege braucht October 15, 2024 Du powerst dich beim Sport aus, machst Squats, gehst laufen oder fährst Rad... alles für einen knackigen Po. Aber hast du mal daran gedacht, was deine Haut dabei durchmacht? Schweiß,...
Glowy Booty: Die 5-Schritte-Pflege für deinen perfekten Po September 27, 2024 Pflegst du dein Gesicht und deinen Körper regelmäßig, aber vergisst dabei deinen Po? Erfahre in unserem Blog, wie du mit einer einfachen 5-Schritte-Routine für eine geschmeidige und strahlende Haut sorgen...
Without exercise to your dream bottom? December 29, 2022 We all have it: the dream of a flawless bottom. Especially through Kim Kardashian, more and more attention is paid to our buttocks.
Bikini bundle November 17, 2022 Our buttocks are stressed a lot. We spend most of the day indoors, especially in winter. The fact that neither we nor our booty like this is shown above all...
Clean cosmetics January 19, 2021 Clean cosmetics? What is that again? “Clean” sounds quite trustworthy, doesn't it?
Cellulite January 13, 2021 Cellulite is a widespread change in the so-called subcutaneous fat tissue, i.e. the subcutaneous fat tissue, in your thighs and your buttocks area.
Pigment spots January 05, 2021 Flawless skin, who wouldn't want that? However, nobody has completely pure skin. Pigment spots in particular don't make life easy for you. But how do they come about?
Partner massage - a matter of feeling December 15, 2020 What could be nicer than being wrapped up in a blanket with your loved ones and cuddling with your loved ones during the cold season?
90-60-90 was yesterday December 01, 2020 90-60-90. Three numbers that have accompanied the entire world of women for almost a century and rather have caused more damage than that they have actually been of any use...